Stories of Selawat

Story #1 - The famous Dalailul Khayrat

The author of Dalailul Khayrat was in need of water for ablution whilst travelling, but was perturbed as he had no rope or bucket (to extract with). A girl who was observing all this came and inquired of the Shaykh, and then spat in the well. The water brimmed to the top of the well. The author was shocked upon seeing this and asked how she had done this. The girl replied that this was the baraka of invoking blessings and peace.The Shaykh then compiled the Dalailul Khayrat.

Story #2 - The miracle of the Ship

The great ālim, saint, jurist and author, Imām ibn-Faikihāni Rahimahullāh say that there was once a pious man called Shaykh Mūsa Zarīr Rahimahullāh who was blind and had narrated his own story: “I was in a ship which was sinking. I lapsed into semi consciousness. Rasulullāh ﷺ appeared to me in this state and taught me the following Durūd (Salutation) which he said should be recited a thousand times by the passengers of the ship. The passengers had barely recited the Durūd 300 times and the ship was saved (miraculously). The other ship on the high seas sank, but this ship reached its destination safely and soundly. This miracle was a sufficient eye-opener for the members of the ship.” (abstracted from "selawat of the awliya" pdf)

Story #3 - The blessings of a thousand Salutations upon Prophet ﷺ

Abu 'l- Hasan Baghdadi Darami sayd, "I saw Abu Abdillah ibn Hamid many times in my dreams after he had passed away. I asked, "What happened to you?" He replied, "Allah pardoned me and had mercy on me" I asked, "Inform me of an action whereby I can gain direct entry into Paradise." He said, "Perform one thousand rakats of prayer, reciting surah al ikhlas a thousand times in each rakat" I said, "This is a difficult task". He said, "Then invoke blessings one thousand every night." I thus made it in my daily practice. (al-Qawl al-Badi)

Story #4 - Prophet Musa a.s. and Salutations upon Prophet ﷺ

Ka'b Ahbar, a scholar well-versed in the Torah, says that Allah sent revelation to Sayyidina Musa a.s. saying, "If there were no people on the face of the earth to praise and extol me, I would not send down a single drop of water from the skies and no seed would I grow from the earth." He mentioned other things besides this. Allah then said, "O Musa, if you wish to be closer to me than the proximity of your speech with your tongue, closer your heart is to your thoughts, than your body is to your soul, and than your eyes are to your vision." Sayyidina Musa a.s. said," O Allah, please do inform me" Allah said, "Invoke blessings upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ abundantly" (Al-Qawl al-Badi)

Story #5 - Abu al-Hasan al-Shadili and his encounter with wild animals

Abu al-Hasan al-Shadili said: In one of my journeys I spent the night in an area filled with wild animals. They soon began to surround me, so I sat on an elevated spot and said to myself," By Allah, I will send prayers upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ for he has said that, "Whosoever sends a single prayer upon me, Allah will send tenfold prayers upon him on account of it." I said to myself that if Allah sends prayers upon me then I will spend the entire night enjoying security through Him. I did just that, and lo I was afraid of nothing whatsoever!