Dalail ul Khayrat
Date: 31st December 2022
Address: 803 King George's Avenue, #02-208, S(200803)
3:30pm to 4:30pm: Biography of Imam Jazuli
Prayer break for Asr
5:00pm onwards: Recitation of Dalailul Khayrat
One of the benefits of making abundant selawat upon Rasulullah ﷺ is that our bodies would emanate fragrance.
It is said that the Great Sufi Saint Imam al-Jazuli ق, once went on a journey in great need of water for making wudhu. He came upon a well but could not reach the water as he did not have a bucket. Upon seeing his worry, a young girl came to his assistance. She spat into the well whereupon the water rose to the top and Imam Al-Jazuli was able to take wudhu with ease. Seeing this miracle, Imam Al-Jazuli asked the girl, “How is that possible?” The girl replied “I was able to do this through continuous selawat upon the Rasulullah ﷺ” Having thus seen the benefit of asking for blessings upon the Rasulullah ﷺ, he made it a mission to compile all of the selawat that existed in his time into a book known as Dalailul Khayrat (Guide to Goodness).
Join us as we end another year with Dalailul Khayrat. May all our `amal this year be accepted, our sins forgiven, and our du`as answered with the blessings of making selawat upon Rasulullah ﷺ.
“And if you see the Ego controlling you,
And it comes to lead you into the Fire of Desires,
Banish its desires by continuous blessing,
There is nothing to compare with Dalailul Khayrat.
With Dalailul Khayrat you must be firm,
Read it to obtain your wishes,
Lights appear and blaze thereby,
O my Brother, it is never to be abandoned.”
- Al Ghouse Imam Al-Jazuli ق