PFAH and Book Reading Sundays
Our Journey to Allah s.w.t. is a Journey of Certainty.
For the Seeker, our journey is a journey of affirming the presence of Allah s.w.t. and negating all else that stands in our way.
Doubts and confusion will always stand in our way to witnessing Allah s.w.t. in our lives. With the right intentions however, they are also doorways through which we are able to gain and reaffirm certainty within ourselves. Each time we are able to overcome an overpowering doubt and confusion through patience, zikrullah, supplications, or the counsel of those who are wise, Allah s.w.t. rewards our inner struggle with certainty and light within our hearts. None of our inner struggles, done with the right intentions will go unnoticed by the One who presents us the struggle itself.
"You should know before all else that guidance, which is the fruit of knowledge, has a beginning and an end, an outward aspect and an inward essence. There is not way to reach the end without mastering the beginning, just as there is no way to discover the inner essence of it until you have arrived at an understanding of its outward"
- Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Ghazali